Our reading recommendations on the CRA

The Cyber Resilience Act: Discuss the act’s requirements for security practices in software development and its implications for Open Source project security and SBOM generation.

The CRA determine stringent security practices in software development, posing both challenges and opportunities for Open Source projects. Developers will be required to implement comprehensive security measures and generate Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) to ensure traceability and compliance. The AI Act introduced the Open Source Steward, limiting its field of application regarding to Open Source projects.

Here are some articles we’ve read on the subject:

  • Debian statement about the UE CRA: The Debian Project, in this statement on the CRA, written before the final agreement on the regulation, addresses all its concerns regarding the CRA’s provisions and the open source community.
  • Cyber Resilience Act adopté: les députés de l’UE répondent aux demandes de la communauté open source : The article shows that after mobilization of the open source community, the final version of the Act now includes the notion of “open source steward”, distinguishing between the development and supply phases of open source products and limiting obligations and liability to the supply phase.
    What do you think of what’s been mentioned in these articles? Do you have any articles or studies you would like to share? Feel free to contribute to this discussion, whether to add information, share experiences or ask questions.